Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fools Day Giveaway! (not foolin ya)

Happy April Fool's Day!
I don't have any trickery planned for today and I honestly love a good laugh, but I can't handle any major tricks right now! My best trick was when I was in 8th grade and I gave some "chocolate" to my boy crush. He bit into it and all it was was chocolate covered cotton balls! hahahah. totally got him.

But seriously, what better way to start off April than with an AH-MAZING giveaway!? I promise this is not a joke! I am teaming up with Alyssa of Impractical Composition and other wonderful bloggers for this fun giveaway!

What foolery is up your sleeve today? Or did someone prank you? Tell me. I like to laugh :)

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