Christmastime was wonderful! Loved seeing most of my family, some friends and enjoyed all the merriment! I had lots of great surprises!!
New years eve turned out to be ok. James saved the day and got back home to ring in 2013 with me at exactly 11:59pm! It was hilarious!! what a great pal he is. I am still hoping, waiting and wishing to spend new years eve with a boyfriend! Maybe this year that'll happen lol??
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12:08 A.M. Jan 1, 2013 |
Was anyone else shocked that Dan Humphrey was revealed as the soul behind Gossip Girl!? I was like, whoa!? Really?! Ok! hahaha.
I still don't know who won on The Voice. Anyone?
I bought my first pair of skinny jeans and they are my first pair of colored jeans too! Double whammay! They are a peach color. $12 find courtesy of JCP. Maybe i'll post a WIW this week?
I am SOO excited for the new year! In fact, new years eve is one of my most favorite holidays! Just the beginning of a new year means to be re-starting, refreshing, reinventing...looking forward to another year of the good life!
This particular January marks two important, a-big-deal-to-me events:
1. I am turning 30 on January 14th!!!!!!!!! (i know, I look 18)
2. It's Bee Littlequeen's one year blogiversary!!
I don't like to make new years resolutions because I usually don't keep them all year. Because of that total lack on my part, those failures turn into guilt that I just don't need! I already have enough stress dealing with my anxiety and self-issues.
I read someone's status on facebook a few days ago that said something like, " If it ain't serving me a purpose, then it does not exist."
Like WOW!!
Ok, so really, just because I don't make resolutions doesn't mean I don't make goals. I am one of those kinds of people that likes to plan and make lists (hello sticky notes!). My goals are typically short term goals like this and this needs to get done today or this week. Here comes a little complaining, but it's true!, my attention is constantly being pulled by different people around me. These distractions, especially the past month, have deterred me from even blogging.
I don't like to make promises I can't keep,so i'll just say that i HOPE and AIM to post more regularly this year. (i realize that I haven't posted anything since Christmas eve and I really miss blogging.)
A few goals I'd like to announce for 2013 for life & blog are:
*Reach 400 GFC followers
*Be better at responding promptly to blog post commenters
*Get back on some sort of Bible reading plan/devotional/study time with God
*Have a more positive attitude and try to understand the other person before I react negatively
*Reach out to random strangers who look like they need cheering up or help
I WILL and I CAN have a new attitude!
However, I sometimes do work better under pressure so I'll probably have a giveaway or two the week of my actual birthday! Hmm, maybe i'll have those giveaways in honor of my birthday + my blogiversary OR have one giveaway on/for my birthday and one for the blogverisary. Idk, I haven't made up my mind yet, but be rest assured, we'll have a little celebration here! :)
Do you make resolutions? What are they?
So my friends, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It's going to be a fun-filled, blessed year! I can feel it!!!
Cheers! Salud! |
Happy New year sweety pie!! So glad you enjoyed the holidays.
I'm with you on needing to open the bible up more this year.
I cant wait to see whatcha got planned for your blogiversary!
I loved loved my cute earrings and you're an angel.
I hope you reach your goals, Britt! I got a Bible reading program from my church a couple years ago that I really liked. It's organized in a way that you can read the entire Bible in a year, or the New Testament, or Psalms and Proverbs, etc. If you're on the search of a program, I'd be happy to scan it and email it. :)
Glad you had a great new year girl! Those all seem like good goals too! Good luck on them!
I'll put your resolution to the test. How fast can you respond? ;)
And just keep praying, I know the lord has someone special in mind for you!
Britt, You are beautiful!! Thank you so much for coming over and following my blog.
Your blog is beautiful and inspiring. I have read your blog a little bit, can't wait to read more of it and I am truly humbled by you and your outlook on life. I have no doubt Heavenly Father has a plan for you! Have you heard the quote "Dance with God and he will allow the right guy to cut in?" Please let me know if I can ever do anything for you! You are amazing and I can't wait to get to know you better. :)
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