Wednesday, July 10, 2013

wore I wore + a little secret

hey guys! here we are on this blessed wednesday! how's everyone's week going so far?

Since it's scorching hot outside, my silly little friend took the following photos of me for what i wore today inside! Nothing too spectacular as I had to prepare to go to the imaging office to have a mammogram done!

No earrings. No bracelets. No deodorant (which is a MUST on any other day!).

I didn't want to say anything about the pain in my boob and my upcoming appointment today, because i didn't anyone to worry over something that probably didn't even need worrying about. My mom was so right! Plus, I felt like if I talked about it, it would just drive me to more worry.

WHAT!!? no deodorant!

If you've been reading, you may remember that I've been complaining some days in the past couple weeks of not feeling too well. Mostly, the not feeling well has been pain I've been experiencing in my right boob. For the past three weeks it's been subtle and gnawing and just there..I've taken a ton of naproxen(aleve) to help dull the uncomfortable pain.

I told my primary doctor a couple weeks ago and he referred me to have the mammogram which appointment was today. Because of wheelchair and physical logistics of the machine and my boobs ya know,we were unable to do the procedure, but we sure did try! Thankfully, the tech took me into a room to have an ultrasound done because as I learned, when there is not one specific point of pain or evidence of a lump, the ultrasound is the first way to go. Before the tech let me leave, she took the images to the radiologist. He read them and didn't see a tumor or anything concrete. He even said that I didn't really need to go through w/the mammo if I didn't want to.

The mammo tech ladies (2 of them) were so warm and friendly and willing to help try to do the mammo. They said that it's quite common for younger women (in their 20's and 30's) to have this kind of pain and that it could be due to hormones or intake of caffeine, or for no known reason! Well! I definitely think it could be that my hormones are outta whack! and well, I do consume alot of caffeine on a daily basis...HELLO COFFEE! So, Brittany is going to start to wean herself off the coffee. Oh dear God, help me! I know I can do it!

It actually comes at a perfect time to start not drinking coffee. But i mean, i like certain teas and chocolate too! One thing at a time! So tomorrow, instead of one full cup o coffee, I'll try only half a cup and then from then on, maybe skip one morning and then the next until I am free of my addiction! I do not want to keep taking naproxen everyday 1-2times because taking that stuff long-term is so NOT good for my kidneys! Slowly but surely, change is a comin'!

I'd just like to thank my Father in Heaven for letting things be ok and that I do not have a cancerous tumor. Breast cancer doesn't run in my family, but other kinds of cancer do. You can imagine my slight concern when after 3 days in a row of pain in my upper boob toward my armpit was aching and not going away. Happy we got it checked out and no need to worry anymore, i can breathe- thanks mom :) I am at a bit more peace.

Philippians 4:6-7
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. 

He took care of me.
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Mandy Jean said...

So glad you are ok! You look super cute by the way!

Take Care,
Mandy Jean

Martha Hokenson said...

Glad to hear you are okay! These things are scary, even (especially?) when you're young.

It's hard to wean yourself off coffee--I've done it in the past during juice cleanses when my body was just so out of wack that I knew I had to detox fast before I got really sick. But it is MUCH better than taking pills each day! I still have a cup each morning now for work but I'm not chugging a pot every day, and I actually have more energy than I did when I was addicted to caffeine. Good luck <3

Chelsee W said...

I hope you get to feeling better:)

Karrie said...


I am SO glad that it turned out ok!! "not feeling good this past week" definitely did NOT make me think it was this serious! I'm so happy that you didn't have to do the mammo, bc he didn't find anything. I'm so glad you are ok. You definitely have your fair share of health problems, so adding the big C onto it right now, so young, wouldn't be right! I'm glad God is taking care of you in that way :) <3 <3!!!

You can definitely quit coffee. If this girl can stop taking pain meds, you can stop the java! I think what you are doing is really smart, by tapering down. I know when I used to drink coffee, that on my "off" days I would get really bad headaches. Because I'm not working super early in the morning, I haven't needed to drink coffee in a long time. I am soooo not a morning person. If you replace it with water (which is something *I'm* trying to do), you might feel so much better. Keeping hydrated is supposed to make you feel mentally alert, less painful in certain conditions like joints and muscles, and you just feel better all over. I drink 2-3 cokes a day for the past few years, and I know that is why I have gained weight that I can not lose. I used to drink JUST tea (sweetened). But I got used to drinking pop at work. Plus I'm not that active. But the water thing is sooo hard for me. I have added a bottle of water per day, but I need to drink 5X that. Drinking 3 cans of coke a day is definitely NOT keeping adequately hydrated!

So good luck with that! Some (most) teas have caffeine in it, but not as much as coffee. I'm sooo glad it isn't a tumor, but I hope you figure out what it is. I suggest that you get some bloodwork done next time you go to the Dr. to check your hormone levels that way you can rule it out, or get some advice if they are off. I don't know anything about imbalanced hormones, as a nurse. Hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear things are ok. I've been through that fear, and I'm headed for a mammo (annual) next week.

I drink coffee for the taste, believe it or not. I can also have a cup right before bed, and fall right to sleep. So, I can never turn to it to wake up.

Hope you are feeling better!

holli said...

Praise GOD! Have you ever tasted the loco mocha monster drink? They are so yummy and gives you energy.
Your outfit is cute and i love the silly pic of you.
I had a very painful lump on my boob when i was 25 and it turned out to be a cyst. Which led to many more cysts in other places that we wont get into today. Mammograms suck and i'm glad you didnt have to get the boob pancake situation.

Pammy said...

hey b! well i'm glad that you didn't have to go through the mammo! trust me they are not comfortable. a few years back i felt a little lump by my breast and of course i freaked out. right away the doctors office that i worked for gave me a referral to get a mammo and ultrasound done. i first had the mammo and omg....i swear i never thought my boob would be pulled and stretched and flattened like a pancake. and the worst thing was that i couldnt move while they were doing this. i had to stay still while they tugged and stretched my boob. after that was done i went to another room to have an ultrasound done and while i waited for the tech i had to use the bathroom and i looked in the mirror and couldnt help but laugh cause my boob was so red from all the tugging. thankfully the ultrasound went way smoother. later that day i got my results back and everything was normal. the doctor said that the lump could have been from hormones, or too much caffein. after a week the lump went away and everything has been good since. glad that you are feeling better!