Thursday, May 16, 2013

sisterhood of another kind

weird, right? Outfit of the day on thursday! haha rule following much around here this week and that's ok! Even my friend Sue backed me up on that and that it's ok to not feel obligated to do such and such...we don't need any added stress..just blog when, what, where and have fun!

So one thing i'd like to say is with blogging as I've learned is that sisterly bonds are formed between women who blog. One example, I can say that this is true and a wonderful result of blogging. I was fortunate to receive some suggestions and positive feedback from you about what color/type of shirt to wear with my orange rusted striped skirt. See, that's the next best thing to me stopping by your house & asking what should i wear with this? as we look in your closet to see if there's something that I could borrow. Granted we were the same size/s. :)

Most of you recommended a grey or navy blue solid shirt. which as you will see, I FINALLY got one: a navy blue slug baseball tee from the Gap. It arrived in the mail over a week ago that I happened to snag for around $9.

Here's my outfit of the day with the same skirt as last week where i paired it with a printed shirt.

girl needs to color her hair!

So back to the sisterhood thing. I am thankful to have a sister. I love my sister J! No doubt I love my brothers too, but there is a special bond among sisters. Even if you don't have a sister, there is sometimes a  sisterly bond with other women, your friends, co-workers, neighbors or bloggers!

Before this week, I was feeling sort-of blah. depressed. going about my life ho-hum. I sometimes feel stuck in a rut, same routine, same faces I see and voices I hear (not that that's bad), it's just I'm dying inside for some break-up of the monotony. I came across this quote somehwere while surfing online yesterday that said something like:

"set up your life so that you don't feel the need to escape it."

First thing that popped into my mind was: vacation.

That's how i view vacation. a time to get away from my regular life. a time to relax, be nearly stress-free, to enjoy nature and see sights that aren't part of my every-day, have fun & take a more than necessary amount of pictures!

Now, my life, situation and living dynamic is much different than the average person.  
Hello!! being on a ventilator and having limited mobility! haha, but it got me thinking that attitude plays a HUGE role in the overall happiness and peace of my life.

Introducing a phone conversation I had with my friend Val a couple nights ago just really made my week so far.

Talking with her for over an hour just filled my spirits with joy, thankfulness and appreciation for her being in my life. She helped me throw my negative nellie mindset in the dumpster! A couple months ago we re-connected after about 5-6 years (never stopping being friends), but again we just jumped in and picked up right where we left off. I see a theme here lately, reconnecting with dear friends & family. I should quickly note that I'll hopefully see my cousin Richard in early June. He lives in Connecticut and one of my fave persons ever! 

So Valerie and I talked & laughed about many different things and things that only women deal with. After my phone completely died while we were still talking, I became quite aware at how God has blessed me with having a close connection with Val. I seriously believe God gave & created the gift of sisterhood for us. Sisterhood helps us deal with issues,  share our troubles, laugh together at the ridiculousness of things, and gives us the ability to love, serve and learn from each other.

Val is not my sister by blood, but I certainly think of her as my sister. Younger she may be, yes, but she's a true sister in heart.

What I've re-learned this week that'll help me set-up my life for peace & happiness:

I clearly see that I do need close connections and heartfelt convos even if/when i don't feel like it.
I clearly see that I do need time to myself to write, read, pray, reflect.
I clearly see that I do need to keep an attitude of gratitude.
I clearly see that I do need to be creative in some way expressed daily in: makeup, what I choose to wear, crafting or writing. let me dream!

But i still want to go on vacation!! lol.

What about you? Do you have any sisters? Who do you consider a sister even if you aren't related? What's the best thing about your sisterly bond?

Shirt: the gap
Skirt: Target
Earrings: Oldnavy
Headband: F21
Eyeshadow/Hard Candy Palette: Walmart
 photo signature_zps68838d56.png


holli said...

Yes i do have friends that are like sisters to me. They are a true blessing. I do however have a few close connections over this blogger world that has formed its own sisterhood. You are one of my fave little sis's!

Sue // As It Seems said...

I feel connected to all the important women in my life by sisterly bonds. But there's nothing that compared to my relationship with my sisters. They are my favorite! xo

ps your outfit is fab lady!

Lynne said...

The best thing about some of the sisterly bonds I have is that I can admit to being imperfect - to being irritated with my husband, or whining about finances or complaining that I got an early morning call because my friend's daughter missed the bus and could I give her a ride to school. For the 5th or 6th time in a month. It's a safe place to let out my frustrations - and know that my "sister" friend won't judge me, or think that I'm not being nice. You have to get out those frustrations somewhere! And, I do the same for her - it's a good partnership. Ha! Here's to a weekend full of time spent with friends! (which is actually on my agenda - my good "sister" friend has a son graduating from 8th grade today, and the party is tomorrow - yay!)